Sponsor A Family Today
Sponsor a Woman, Child or Family
Help us reach out to a family in crisis and experiencing domestic abuse as soon as possible.
The home may have been a place to retreat to from COVID-19 but for victims of abuse being asked to stay home meant situations have become increasingly unsafe, with violence in the home becoming more frequent, more severe and more dangerous.
With your help we endeavour to put the power back in women’s hands providing practical and financial supports for essential items like food, clothing and toiletries. With your support we also deliver direct supports to women, children and families in the form of therapies, holistic supports and programmes.
Donate Today
While we are core funded by Tusla, Child and Family Agency, we rely on fundraising income to offset an average annual income shortfall of 20%. Fundraising income crucially ensures the delivery of client activities, supports and interventions and our ability to meet operational costs and overheads of our community based services.