Our Services
"My wish would be more could believe in themselves and this journey".
Our Services
We provide a 24-hour professional support, information and referral service as well as safe refuge accommodation to women and children who have been forced to leave their home for their own safety.
We provide a range of supports across our services including.
- Practical and emotional support around your experiences of physical, emotional, sexual, financial and/ or digital abuse.
- Advice and assistance on legal, housing, social welfare, rights and entitlements, budgeting.
- Information, advocacy, and referral to appropriate services.
- Referral to refuge accommodation
- Post refuge support.
- Court preparation and accompaniment
We deliver a range of one to one and group interventions across our service including:
- Freedom programme.
- Aftercare and peer support programmes.
- Holistic and therapeutic interventions.
- Parenting programme.
For more information please click here
24 Hour Freephone Helpline
Access to a 24-hour freephone helpline service providing emotional and practical support where you can speak about your experiences of domestic abuse in confidence.
This helpline is also a support to professionals, agencies, family and friends concerned about a loved one.
Refuge Accommodation
We can support you with access to safe crisis short term accommodation through provision of self-contained units from our purpose built-centre in Dublin. Our accommodation can offer you and your children safety, respite and comfort while we support you and your children around your needs.

Outreach and Community Support
Through our community-based service we can meet you and your children from a range of locations considered safe and accessible by you.
Our community service offers continued support to you after a stay in refuge whether you return home or relocate elsewhere.
The community service spans across North Dublin; from inner city to north county Dublin, we have offices in Coolock, Smithfield, Swords and Balbriggan and we also work from several satellite clinics from accessible locations over Dublin.
To make a referral in our Community and Outreach Service please click here
In addition to the support we provide women and children victims of domestic abuse in the community, we also provide targeted and therapeutic support to survivors of domestic abuse.
Aspire is a comprehensive 12-week programme aimed at empowering women overcoming the impacts of domestic abuse. Through a combination of accredited training, personal development, and practical life skills, participants are resourced with the tools for a brighter, more independent future.
To make a referral in our Aspire Programme please click here
Drop-in service
We can support you with access to a safe confidential space for you to talk and work through your experiences and difficulties.
Court Preparation and Accompaniment Service
Through this service we can offer you support in the following areas:
- Advice on legal orders, court process, court application process.
- Court accompaniment – (application/ court hearing) in District, Circuit and High Court.
- Court preparation-assistance formulating, preparing and delivering case.
- Assistance in legal aid application and gathering necessary and applicable documents.
- Linkage/Advocacy with Gardaí, Solicitors, Barristers, Social Workers and Legal Personnel.
- Post court support/debrief.
To make a referral in our Court Preparation and Accompaniment Service please click here
Child/Youth Specific Services
We provide a range of services that can support your children with access to.
- Childcare (supervised)
- Homework/afterschool support.
- Breakfast club
- Developmental play
- Play and art therapy.
- 1:1 Therapeutic work
- Group programmes
- Holistic and therapeutic interventions.
Training and Networking
We provide specialist training to statutory groups, non-statutory groups, family resource centres, women’s groups, workplaces and specialist domestic violence services responding to domestic violence.
We deliver a positive relationships programme, which is delivered to Secondary Schools and Youthreach.
Training provided by Aoibhneas is tailored to meet the identified needs of those requesting the training.
To make an enquiry or book a training today email [email protected]